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Toussaint Ducal Guard is a force serving as both the police of Beauclair and vineyards as well as border guard in the small duchy within the Nilfgaardian Empire. Since the duchy is in constant peace with every realm and does not participate in conflicts between Nilfgaardians and Northern Kingdoms, the guard tend to fight just against bandit hanses side by side with Knights Errant. The only location that is not protected by this guard is Dun Tynne and surroundings, which is under the surveillance of the Dun Tynne Guard.

When it comes to the safety of important personalities, such as Duchess Anna Henrietta, or completing difficult missions, like for example the attack on Dun Tynne, then the Ducal Honor Guard (alternativelly Palace Guard) is summoned under direct command of its captain, which is Damien de la Tour during the events of the In der Erweiterung Blood and Wine.


Es gibt verschiedene Rüstungsteile in "Blood and Wine" zu finden. Teilweise können sie hergestellt, teilweise gefunden werden; es gibt sie auch in "magisch" und "meisterlich" und haben dann entsprechend unterschiedliche Kampfwerte.



  • Armor and helmets of the guardsmen appear to be based on equipment used by Spanish Conquistadors and the Swiss Guard of the Vatican. Others also wear a helmet-type known as Sallet.