
Öle sind Gegenstände im AR-Erkundungsspiel twms. Sie werten den Schwertschaden auf.

siehe auch:

NAHKAMPFSCHADEN - durch ein Schwert zugefügter Schaden.
ÖLE können während der VORBEREITUNG vor einem Kampf angewendet werden. Tippe auf die "+"-Schaltfläche unter "Öle" und wähle eines aus der Liste aus.

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Bild Name Effekt Zutaten Zeit für Herstellung
Twms oil basic
Einfaches Öl
(Basic oil)
Increases MELEE DAMAGE by 33%. Powdered monster tissue (5)
Bundle of herbs (3)
60 min
Twms oil cursed
Öl: Verfluchte
(Cursed oil)
Increases MELEE DAMAGE dealt against this class by 100%. Vampire remains (5)
Bundle of herbs (3)
Root (2)
60 min
Twms oil draconid
Öl: Drakoniden
(Draconid oil)
Increases MELEE DAMAGE dealt against this class by 100%. Necrophage remains (5)
Bundle of herbs (3)
Root (2)
60 min
Twms oil elemental
Öl: Konstrukte
(Elemental oil)
Increases MELEE DAMAGE dealt against this class by 100%. Hybrid remains (5)
Bundle of herbs (3)
Root (2)
60 min
Twms oil hybrid
Öl: Hybride
(Hybrid oil)
Increases MELEE DAMAGE dealt against this class by 100%. Ogroid remains (5)
Bundle of herbs (3)
Root (2)
60 min
Twms oil insectoid
Öl: Insektoide
(Insectoid oil)
Increases MELEE DAMAGE dealt against this class by 100%. Specter remains (5)
Bundle of herbs (3)
Root (2)
60 min
Twms oil necrophage
Öl: Nekrophagen
(Necrophage oil)
Increases MELEE DAMAGE dealt against this class by 100%. Cursed remains (5)
Bundle of herbs (3)
Root (2)
60 min
Twms oil ogroid
Öl: Ogroide
(Ogroid oil)
Increases MELEE DAMAGE dealt against this class by 100%. Draconid remains (5)
Bundle of herbs (3)
Root (2)
60 min
Twms oil relict
Öl: Relikte
(Relict oil)
Increases MELEE DAMAGE dealt against this class by 100%. Elemental remains (5)
Bundle of herbs (3)
Root (2)
60 min
Twms oil specter
Öl: Geister
(Specter oil)
Increases MELEE DAMAGE dealt against this class by 100%. Relict remains (5)
Bundle of herbs (3)
Root (2)
60 min
Twms oil vampire
Öl: Vampire
(Vampire oil)
Increases MELEE DAMAGE dealt against this class by 100%. Insectoid remains (5)
Bundle of herbs (3)
Root (2)
60 min