
Siehe auch: Tränke, Öle


Zum Herstellen von Bomben wird Pulver benötigt.

Bild Name Zutaten Effekt
Bomb Devils puffball
Teufelsbovist Substances Small Aether Substances Small Aether Substances Small Hydragenum Substances Small Rebis sprays a cloud of poison, affecting nearby enemies; those resistant to poison might not be harmed
Bomb Dragons dream
Drachentraum Substances Small Hydragenum Substances Small Hydragenum Substances Small Quebrith Substances Small Rebis Substances Small Vermilion releases a cloud of flammable gas which causes a destructive explosion when ignited
Bomb King and queen
König und Königin Substances Small Aether Substances Small Rebis Substances Small Rebis evokes fear in the hearts of opponents
Bomb Samum
Samum Substances Small Aether Substances Small Rebis Substances Small Rebis Substances Small Vermilion stuns any creatures within range, provided they are not immune to this effect
Bomb Zerrikanian sun
Serrikanische Sonne Substances Small Aether Substances Small Hydragenum Substances Small Quebrith Substances Small Vermilion releases a flash of light, blinding all nearby opponents