
You can buy all these dyes, from the Dye merchant by the Beauclair Port — Game widow ( Diskussion ) 13:05, 15. Jul. 2017 (UTC)

In the picture of the Dye merchant's inventory there are no relict dyes:
Tw3 baw dye merchant (beauclair port) (1)
OK, I'll have a look at this again...
»»Dove«« (Diskussion) 18:40, 15. Jul. 2017 (UTC)
I checked it. In "my" gamesave the merchant doesn't sell Purple, Black, White and Red (all are relic items). Only if I sell the merchant MY dyes of this colors, I can buy it back from him later. So I don't know what should be wrong.
»»Dove«« (Diskussion) 19:51, 15. Jul. 2017 (UTC)